Syviä, the Gloom Born (shu-VEE-ah)

The Syviä, more commonly thought of as dwarves, were once a pillar of diplomacy and innovation. But like many cultures and races of Shira'tol, they have suffered under the yoke of Jella, Lord of All Demons.
  It is a story common among the sentient species of Shira'tol. In his seemingly unstoppable march to conquer the known world, King Jella dominated the Syviä so thoroughly that he changed the course of their evolution. Yet, the demon king could not wipe out what remained of dwarven wonders deep beneath the jagged peaks of Shira'tol.  

Glimmer in the Deep

Though it is dangerous to travel the tunnels and chambers made by the Syviä now, there are still cultural treasures to be found in their ruins. Not only did they create the wonderous deep trains, but they were also known for their mastery of automatons, textiles, and all manner of metals and alloys.  

Demonic Influence

The Syviä were renowned for their diplomacy, leading the world thousands of years ago in countless alliances and peace negotiations. Despite their charisma, expertise, and numerous clever inventions, they were dominated by the endless tides of Jella's demonic hordes.   As with the other peoples conquered by the demon king, the Syviä were altered to be as useful as possible to their new master. They were made to be squat and broad, their muscles were enhanced to allow them to work longer and delve deep into the demon mines. The demonic influence caused the Syviä to grow tusks or their eyes to flicker with infernal light. Their natural stoic nature was overwhelmed by cunning aggression.  

Breaking Chains

Demonic control is difficult to break but not impossible. There have been entire clans of Syviä who have managed to shake off Jella's dominance. Yet, the changes to their bodies and minds have proven irreversible.


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