Prasinos and Polema

The small, archaic nation of Prasinos resides in an ancient, long dead caldera. Nestled in this fertile valley, the country is protected on all sides by high, craggy peaks. The richness of the soil ensures bountiful harvests and the peaks provide cover for mild winters. In the center of this valley is a glacial lake which is fed by streams from high in the mountains; the runoff leads to a system of caverns, it's destination unknown to the locals. The entrance to these caves is carved into the likeness of a fearsome beast, jaws wide, stalactites and stalagmites forming jagged teeth, mostly to drive home the fact that these caves are incredibly dangerous.   A narrow, winding pass serves as the only real entrance to Prasinos. The road leads through a rocky gorge, which is naturally treacherous; additionally the people of the country built walls and towers into the rock face, and flanked it with two statues. The statues have guarded the pass for untold centuries, their bronze armor, shields and weapons long oxidized and corroded.   Within the valley the residents enjoy a sheltered life. Prasinos is home to several thousand people residing primarily in or around two settlements and the capitol. In the shadow of Marki Danti (Long Tooth), lies the village of Skia. Relatively small, it is home to miners, craftsmen and their families. Nearby are the copper, iron and silver mines, and on the outskirts of the village are the glass-works where porcelain is made. On the shores of Theoi Mati (God's Eye) is the hamlet of Akri tou Nerou. Here fishermen spend the warm months gathering enough fish to feed the entire valley, and the surrounding farms bring in impressive harvests every autumn. This village is also home to the Dye houses where the wool of local sheep is processed and dyed in bright, cheerful colours.   The capitol is home to the temple of Polema, where the council of priestesses rules over the people. The city is a maze of tiered gardens, terraces, colonnades, fountains and statues. Gleaming white marble, dark granite and black, shining obsidian are everywhere, and the air is a constant perfume of cypress and juniper. The city was once much larger in ancient times, and much of it now lay abandoned, yet the faces of long dead heroes still watch passer-by between curtains of vines and moss.   The temple of Polema has stood for thousands of years, and while its days of glory have passed, the people still maintain it and it is the center of life for Prasinos. It is built-in tiered levels, each one more exclusive than the last. The outer courtyard is surrounded by intricate columns and features a central fountain with a gorgon holding a large water pot; this is where the common folk are allowed to worship. Beyond this, is an enclosed courtyard where the noble families offer praise, and even further beyond that, built into the face of the mountain, lies the inner sanctum. This chamber is guarded by two, large Caryatid columns which, according to legend, will awaken to defend the temple should it be attacked. Only priestesses are allowed beyond this sanctum, into the chamber where the living avatar of Polema resides. This chamber is filled with heavy smoke which enhances visions, and the avatar, an ancient gorgon, offers wisdom and prophecies to the faithful.   The Prasinosians are commonly joyful and fun-loving. They celebrate dozens of festivals throughout the year, and frequently hold fairs to show off their harvests, crafts or prized sheep. However, their attachment to the old goddess leads them to hold onto some antiquated superstitions and they are not likely to trust outsiders quickly. They do trade with some of the barbarian tribes as well as some of the dwarven or elven merchants who pass through the area. Every girl is raised in the temple until they are fifteen, at which point they may choose to leave and start a family or join the military, or they may stay and become full priestesses. All boys are trained in combat and are expected to serve at least seven years in the military. Both men and women are taught the sword, spear and shield.   The people of Prasinos have resided in this valley for countless generations, their ancestors once extremely prolific and prosperous under the protection of their goddess, Polema. Their numbers have since dwindled, and much of their great cities have fallen into ruin, left abandoned for nature to reclaim. Worship of Polema is still prevalent, her temple councilors and priestesses still command visions and power, though whether she lives is unknown. Polema was a goddess of war, wisdom and magic. No one knows from where she originated, though some have speculated she was once an elven deity. What is known is she had an odd love of humans; she saw them wallowing in primal stupidity and sought to raise them up into a grand civilization. She gave to them gifts of knowledge; how to use tools, shape stone and the wisdom of metal. She taught them to war, so they could defend their gifts. Finally, she gave them the runes of power so they could use magic. Her fellow gods did not see this in such a fair light, and they punished her. Polema's followers do not know what happened to her, but they see their valley is still protected and fertile and most of them believe she survived somehow.
Prasinos  Alignment: LG Capital: Iero (3000) Notable Settlements: Skia (200), Akri tou Nerou (400) Ruler: Council of Polema Government: Feudal Lord + Temple Major Races: Humans Languages: Common Religion: Polema  Exports: Pottery, porcelain, textiles (wool), precious metals Imports: Furs, spices, luxury items, gems, exotic materials


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