
Were you to ask the average Itanian what's the greatest surviving empire in all of Valjeta, most will proudly proclaim it to be their own. Though Itania did not survive the Turmoil any better than the rest and pales in comparison to its old power, it is still a mighty kingdom to be reckoned with.   During its height, Itania controlled the western coast of their landmass, and across the sea to Tikar. After the Turmoil shifted the land, vast portions of the empire became separated or lost beneath the frothing waves. Itania suffered greatly from the monster attacks. Though the rest of the world bore the weight of these invading beasts, Itania seemed to be a focal point of their ire.   Then came the plagues and famines. A few succession wars and a so-called Emperor followed, but Itania held strong. They found themselves low on resources so the wars for expansion started again. They maintained their ability to create steel, though the process became more laborious after the loss of so much of their territory and trade.   The Itanians were tempered in chaos and war, for though the beasts largely dispersed in the rest of the world, they continued to attack towns and villages all throughout Itania. For the last century, their borders to the south have been constantly tested by a mysterious force. These warriors from some distant shore have laid siege on Itania for over one hundred years, stalling their efforts to expand their empire once again. But Itania has one great advantage over the other nations of the world.   The binding began not long after the Turmoil. In their minds, all magic was to blame for the death and destruction that reigned during that time. So they devised a way to bind magic users to Links, individuals capable of controlling and nullifying the magic of others. The Itanian military devised terrible contraptions that would siphon and focus the magic of a sorcerer or mage, turning them into fuel for horrific siege weapons. All magic users who refused to accept binding were hunted down and exterminated from Itanish lands.   As it stands, Itania has the military and technological might to become the greatest empire in all of Valjeta. Their struggle to throw off their southern aggressors and the near-constant beast incursions are the only things standing in their way. Travel and trade are open, though the Itanish people tend to be blunt and suspicious and it is outright dangerous for unaccompanied mages to travel anywhere in Itania.  


The capital of Itania is ancient, built by people forgotten to history. It is a wonder to behold, a city of vast and towering spires. Each tower boasts dozens of floors full of apartments and shops, a little village to its own, many connected by soaring bridges enclosed in thick, milky glass. There are no walls around Caelum, it stands open to the sea and the plains. It has never been conquered. The rumours of how it defends itself are the stuff of nightmares and few seem eager to find the truth.
Alignment: LN   Capital: Caelum pop: 300,000   Notable Settlements: Alligatura, Apricum, Claustra, Elixus, Lyra   Ruler: Senate   Government: Republic   Major Races: Humans - Itanish, Liir'ellar   Languages: Itanish   Religion: Solar Titan, ancestor worship, Cult of Rebirth   Exports: Metalwork, marble, textiles, spice, wine, fish, exotic goods   Imports: Textiles, slaves, luxury goods, lumber
Training Level
Itanian, Itanish


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