Black Glass Report

General Summary

The party of the Lost Sons moved into the ruined town after sunset. They had discovered that the undead in the area were covered in molten glass which would harden as it cooled at night, leaving the undead unable to move. So the party took advantage of this to move about the town while avoiding the undead.   While they had observed the town, they determined that this strange form of undeath was caused by a very specific curse. This curse was likely emanating from an arcane source, such as the obelisk in the center of the town. Wriothesley believed that the curse could be broken, freeing the souls of the undead townspeople, but would likely alert who, or what, has placed the curse in the first place. The Lost Sons sought an entrance to the rumored underground route to the Silent Spring prison which they were certain could be found in this village.   As they explored, Vaas made his way towards the town hall. Inside, he was able to see several of the undead had been shattered, their eyes still watching him. Deeper in the building he could hear the sounds of more glass shattering.   Aurelia and Wriothesley moved towards the merchant area. They found a warehouse with an impressive lock but, unable to pick it, moved towards a little shop. The sign proclaimed this "Two Bits" and had an intact glass window. Inside the seemingly untouched shop, they found several bolts of fabric and many different items. Aurelia grabbed a small model of a chariot, leaving a gold piece on the dusty counter. Wriothesley started cutting some of the fabric to fashion blindfolds so they might move through the town without the undead noting their movements.   As Vaas and the others made their way towards where Aurelia and Wriothesley were, they all converged in front of the warehouse. Vaas was able to pick the lock and they cautiously opened the door. Aurelia kept her lance leveled at one particularly suspicious undead as the rest of the party moved into the warehouse. The door was rigged to light the entire building as fire lept through channels of oil, revealing a massive room filled with artifacts.   These artifacts included armor, weapons, tools, and art all from a civilization no one in the party recognized. These were not the objects of the ellar or any human civilization they knew. Some of the armor had odd fish or sea motifs engraved on them. At the end of the room was a large skeleton of a serpent-like creature with enormous emeralds for eyes.   They moved through the room, inspecting the artifacts for anything that might help them on their mission. Unfortunately, Myr made the mistake of touching the skeleton. The jaws immediately slammed on his arm, trapping him. The skeleton animated, forming an undead dragon. The party sprung into action to try and free Myr.   The strange dragon spewed liquid platinum as the Lost Sons moved to surround it. Wriothesley and Vaas both lept to prise the jaws of the beast open while Sigfried and Aurelia attacked it directly and Sawbones and Kaziel supported the others from afar. The platinum breath of the dragon struck Aurelia full force, dealing great damage but she attacked through the pain, her lance glowing mysteriously and surrounded by roses. Then Wriothesley used the power of his helm to cast a phoenix flame, healing the others and dealing the death blow to the dragon.   After the battle, the dragon slowly melted into a puddle of liquid platinum. Left in the pool was a footman's lance. Aurelia felt a tug from her own weapon, urging her to attack. Wriothesley and Myr determined this footman's lance was originally a weapon made during ancient times as a weapon of those who would defend the Titan's followers. But it had been corrupted and was made into a phylactery. So Aurelia destroyed it and her weapon was bathed in light, designs of roses suddenly etched into the shaft of her lance.   As they recover from their fight, the Lost Sons must quickly find the entrance to the secret path before the sun rises lest they need to fight their way through burning hoards of undead at dawn.
The Lost Sons
Report Date
20 Jul 2024


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